
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Countdown to 11/16 Meeting: Tip 5 of 5

This is the last tip in our series.  By now you should know the area of self care that you want to focus on, know the end result (benefits) of mastering this area of self care, have strategies for challenging past excuses and have a simple self care tracking system.  Today's tip sounds simple but can be a challenging one at times...

Tip 5:  Have patience.

Perhaps you're familiar with these scenarios:  After consistent workouts, something unexpected causes you to miss your workout. In spite of eating healthier foods, your scale declines to budge.  You're a kinder, more patient "you" but no one seems to notice. 

Some days or weeks things may not go as planned.  It can be frustrating to add a certain quality of self care in your life.  Have patience though with your new habit.  If something feels too difficult, adjust it so that it becomes doable.  Set yourself up for success!

If you're not a member of our Meetup group, you can have a look here.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Countdown to 11/16 Meeting: Tip 4 of 5

Over the next days, I'll present a series of self care tips as a prelude to our first Meetup meeting on 11/16.  These brief tips will relate to what I've learned this year about self care.

Tip 4:  Have a simple system to track your progress.

Granted some self care habits are easier to track than others but be creative and see how you can track your progress.  For sleeping, I use to keep a sleep log but that became too complicated so instead I just kept track of when I went to bed at 10:30 PM.  If you want to have more fun, keep a fun journal.  If you want to spend more time with your family, schedule the time or plan family outings together. 

Tomorrow will kick off our first Meetup, you can find out more about the group here.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Countdown to 11/16 Meeting: Tip 3 of 5

Over the next days, I'll present a series of self care tips as a prelude to our first Meetup meeting on 11/16.  These brief tips will relate to what I've learned this year about self care.

OK, in just 2 more days, we'll be meeting, here's today's tip.

Tip 3:  Know and challenge your excuses.

If you've worked on improving this area of self care before, what caused you to shortchange yourself?  What excuses or reasons did you give for downgrading this part of self care?  The aim here is not to guilt trip yourself but to be aware of what thoughts or behaviors have kept you from taking proper care of yourself.  For instance, I'd often have a self-imposed sense of urgency to get things done that would result in needlessly staying up late.  How about for you?  What reasons do you give for devaluing your self care?

If you're looking for a supportive community to connect with your self care goals, visit the Meetup group for this blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Countdown to 11/16 Meeting: Tip 2 of 5

Over the next days, I'll present a series of self care tips as a prelude to our first Meetup meeting on 11/16.  These brief tips will relate to what I've learned this year about self care.

Tip 2:  Start with the end in mind.

Now that you've decided the area of self care that you want to focus on, imagine or describe how you will be with that area of self care boosted in your life.  For instance, if you want to improve your eating, how will your body, your thoughts improve by strengthening that area.  If you want to have more fun, how will your business and relationships improve by bringing being more joyful?

To learn more about our upcoming Meetup, click here

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Countdown to 11/16 Meeting: Tip 1 of 5

Over the next days, I'll present a series of self care tips as a prelude to our first Meetup meeting on 11/16.  These brief tips will relate to what I've learned this about year self care.

Tip 1:  Decide which area of self care is most important to you right now.

Working out, eating right, family time, meditation, decluttering your house, managing time, setting boundaries, having more fun.  These and others themes may all feel important to you right now.  However, there's likely one area of self care which you could use as a base to support your other self care habits.  Decide which one that is and work from there.

To learn about our upcoming Meetup, click here.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is this an "issue" for you?

As a warm up to the first meeting of my Meetup group Self Care for Life Coaches, I'll post 5 simple self care tips that relate to what I've learned this past year.  If you're a life coach, then you probably already know that without proper self care, your business and coaching skills will suffer.  Be sure to check out the Self Care for Life Coaches group if you find self care to be a challenge for you.

Questions to Consider..
How would your coaching business benefit from improved self care?

In what areas do you  wish to strengthen your self care muscles:  nutrition, relaxation, sleep, time management, relationships, fitness, self talk?

Feel free to post any comments or suggestions, regarding this post. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

First Meeting on Wednesday, Nov 16, 2011

Welcome to this blog!  It's in conjunction with a new Meetup group which I've started for life coaches who want to practice better self care.  You can check out the group here.  Presently, it's free to join!